

全职 | 硕士 | 经验不限 | 年龄不限


1.School operations
-Parent communication: respond to any parent complaint and concern, draft school-wide announcements
-Workshops: organize workshops for teachers and parents
-Professional development: connect with Moreland University to provide professional development opportunities for foreign teachers
-Summer schools: provide ideas for summer school themes and curriculum. Promote summer school
-Tiny toddlers (mommy & me classes): work with vendor to carry out mommy & me classes, promote the class to attract enrollment.
2.Marketing and admission
-School events: communicate to teachers about guidelines and to-do’s for school events, manage school events, liaise with marketing on promotion of such events.
-Open houses: set dates, draft open house presentations, promote event to attract sign-ups, manage event
3.Teachers’ support
-Working collaboratively with the administration team, revising, and editing the Teacher Orientation manual for each school year and also with the administration team prepare the schedule and workshops for the week of Teacher Orientation. Implement workshops or assign facilitators for workshops.
-Provide feedback and support to teachers as they set-up their classroom environment, create first lesson plans and prepare for “Meet the teacher” day.
-Provide ongoing support and feedback for teachers by observing in their classroom.
-Provide ongoing information on child development, developmental expectations, classroom management, appropriate activities, and teacher-child interactions.
-Provide support and help to teachers when learners may be exhibiting challenging behaviors, or not meeting developmental milestones. Provide supports and options for observation by other clinicians.
-Observations of teachers in November to establish PD plans and individual growth plans and have informal debrief sessions and after CNY observe using the CLASS system and a more formal debrief session.
-Assist with teachers in parent conferences especially when the parents have a concern or issue with the teacher or the school.
4.Administrative support
-Provide information and support to TA’s during orientation and ongoing as needed.
-Participate in decisions regarding enrollment of children when there may be a question of numbers or of the child’s ability to be successful at our school.
-Provide ASQ screens as requested by teachers or administration.
-Interview candidates for open teaching positions as requested and assist in decisions regarding hiring, firing and retention of teachers.
-Assist in decisions regarding hiring and retention of teachers.
-Participate in discussion with administrative team regarding scheduling, curriculum and needed professional development.
5.Professional Development
-Prepare and implement professional development activities each month.
-Prepare virtual and face-to-face parenting workshops each term.
-Participate in Open House activities and as co-leader of informational event.
6.Curriculum Development and Implementation
-Work closely with the principal to support teachers understanding and implementation of the chosen curriculum.
-Encourage activities that are play-based and hands-on to keep learning inspiring and interesting to the students.
-Assist teachers in informal and formal evaluations of students. Provide information to teachers so they can create a plan for differentiated learning.
-Provide supporting documentation for classes from outside vendors that support overall development and the curriculum guides.
7.Workplace Demeanor
-Model appropriate guidelines in workplace expectations and behaviors.
-Demonstrate a positive attitude with all teachers and staff.
-Complete all work in a timely manner and ask questions if unsure about a task.
-Demonstrate a professional code of manners, ethics and behavior including dress and language.
Job Requirement
1.Master degree or above on Early Education
2.More than 10 years’ experience in pre-school education as a teacher or a principal



